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» Zodiac signs

zodiac sign

You can find your zodiac sign below based on your date of birth. Each zodiac sign has its own name. Character traits and element. Below you will find all 12 zodiac signs in a row. Read which characteristics belong to which zodiac sign and what is characteristic of your zodiac sign. Curious about someone's character traits? Do you want to know if your partner is right for you? Always check his or her zodiac sign first. 


Weekly Horoscope

Curious what your weekly horoscope indicates this week? Read your weekly astrological forecast for free on Chatspiritual.
Weekly horoscope




weekhoroscoop ram
Zodiac sign Aries

(21 march - 19 april)

Aries is explosive and knows what he wants. Aries loves adventure and likes to take the lead in everything. Aries is a creative zodiac sign. You should not hindrance an aries in his plans. Aries has a good self-image and can appear know-it-all to others. What is an Aries like in relationships? What is an Aries like as a colleague? Is an Aries a difficult ex partner? 

» read more about zodiac sign aries

❤️ is aries a romantic zodiac sign? Read here


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sterrenbeeld stier
Zodiac sign Taurus

(20 april - 20 may)


Taurus has a strong opinion, and will stand up for his opinion. Taurus is caring, charming and full of humor. It's always fun with a Taurus, but breaking a Taurus' trust can lead to serious problems. Is a Taurus reliable in a relationship? How is a Taurus in marriage?

» read more about zodiac sign taurus

❤️ Is taurus a romantic zodiac sign? Read here


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sterrenbeeld tweelingen

Zodiac sign Gemini

(21 may - 20 june)



Gemini strives for adventure and absolutely does not like jealousy. Gemini can handle change well. In fact, they like challenges. Gemini is funny, sexy and above all curious. Gemini can start an adventure, but they can also be done with it in no time. One thing's for sure, it's never boring with a gemini, and they break every pattern.

» read more about zodiac sign gemini

❤️ Is gemini a romantic zodiac sign? Read here


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sterrenbeeld kreeft
Zodiac sign Cancer

(21 march - 19 april)

Cancer is sensitive and also easily charmed by someone. Cancer can have trouble trusting someone, they can seem suspicious of others. Cancer is creative and knows how to convert his goals into results. Cancer is insecure, and when something doesn't work out, Cancer falls into loneliness. Is Cancer reliable in a relationship? How jealous is Cancer in love?

» read more about zodiac sign cancer

❤️ Is cancer a romantic zodiac sign? Read here


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sterrenbeeld leeuw
Zodiac sign Leo

(23 july - 22 august)

Leo is generous and above all playful. Leo likes to surprise his partner with expensive gifts. Leo is dominant and stands up for himself. Leo likes honesty and sincere people. Leo is a hard worker and likes to be treated with honor. Is Leo reliable and loyal in love? Is Leo jealous in relationships? How does Leo deal with colleagues?

» read more about zodiac sign leo

❤️ Is leo a romantic zodiac sign? Read here


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sterrenbeeld maagd
Zodiac sign Virgo

(23 august - 22 september)

Virgo watches the behavior of others. Virgo is always wary. Virgo can be direct and hurt people because of it. Virgo is very creative and always knows how to find a solution to problems. A Virgo gives you a reliable boyfriend or girlfriend. What is Virgo's position on love? What is Virgo like in his marriage?

» read more about zodiac sign virgo

❤️ Is virgo a romantic zodiac sign? Read here


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sterrenbeeld weegschaal
Zodiac sign Libra

(23 september - 22 october)

Libra likes harmony, they prefer to avoid confrontations and arguments, Libra does not like arguments. Libra is social, but also stubborn. Libra strives for justice. How does Libra look at love? How does Libra feel about cheating? How is Libra in Marriage?

» read more about zodiac sign libra

❤️ Is libra a romantic zodiac sign? Read here


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sterrenbeeld schorpioen
Zodiac sign Scorpio

(23 october - 21 november)

Scorpio is a mysterious zodiac sign, they value harmonious relationships but you have to give a lot to get close to a Scorpio's emotions. Scorpio is driven, hardworking and loving. Scorpio prefers to keep his deeper emotions hidden out of self-protection. Scorpio appears confident, but if you get to know them well, Scorpio is gentle. Scorpio in a long-term relationship? Is scorpion jealous? What are the strengths of a scorpion?

» read more about zodiac sign scorpio

❤️ Is scorpio a romantic zodiac sign? Read here


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sterrenbeeld boogschutter
Zodiac sign Sagittarius

(22 november - 21 december)

 Sagittarius is direct and likes to be told what is going on. Sagittarius doesn't like to be tricked. Sagittarians are loving, and caring but you should not mistake their sensitivity for weakness, once you have damaged the trust of a sagittarius it is not easy to regain. How does Sagittarius feel about dating? What are bad and good character traits of an sagittarius?

» read more about zodiac sign sagittarius

❤️ Is sagittarius a romantic zodiac sign? Read here


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  sterrenbeeld steenbok
Zodiac sign Capricorn

(22 december - 19 january)

Capricorn loves harmony in all relationships. Capricorn is stubborn but very driven in his work. Capricorn is a loyal friend who is always there for you. Capricorns are a little bit mysterious, you never really know what Capricorn is thinking. Capricorn prefers to avoid confrontations. What is the sex life of a Capricorn like? Capricorn as an ex-partner? How jealous is a Capricorn in relationships?

» read more about zodiac sign capricorn

❤️ Is capricorn a romantic zodiac sign? Read here


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sterrenbeeld waterman
Zodiac sign Aquarius

(20 january - 18 february) 

Aquarius loves freedom. Aquarius does not like jealousy and gossip. Aquarius often has new plans that he wants to carry out and are constantly looking for more meanings in life. Aquarius can handle change well. Aquarius doesn't like the daily grind. Aquarius prefers to avoid an emotional conversation. Does Aquarius cheat easily in a relationship? What's it like dating an Aquarius? Is an Aquarius trustworthy?

» read more about zodiac sign aquarius

❤️ Is aquarius a romantic zodiac sign? Read here


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sterrenbeeld vissen

Zodiac sign Pisces

(19 februart - 20 march) 


Pisces is very sensitive and often senses atmospheres flawlessly. Pisces is helpful, friendly and very empathetic. Pisces hates lying, and can't stand being cheated on. Pisces has a hard time standing up for himself, and is always trying to please others. Pisces finds it difficult to make hard choices, or feels insecure easily. Is pisces adventurous? What is the best zodiac match for a Pisces?


» read more about zodiac sign pisces

❤️ Is pisces a romantic zodiac sign? Read here


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Zodiac signs characteristics

So all zodiac signs have their own good - and less good qualities. Zodiac signs also belong to a certain element. There are 4 elements for this. Namely: Earth, Air, Water and Fire. View your zodiac sign to see which traits belong to your zodiac sign.

An insight into your personal zodiac sign

When you understand why you act a certain way or give in to your fears and desires, you feel more at ease. Get to know yourself better. Your birth chart is a chart that shows the exact position of the planets at the time of your birth. Read your personal character traits. Studying your own zodiac sign can reveal skills or talents that you previously ignored because they are so obvious to you.


The four Zodiac elements

Zodiac sign element FIRE


    Zodiac sign element EARTH


    Zodiac sign element AIR 


    Zodiac sign element WATER


Element fire

Fire element character : Leo, Aries, Sagittarius

Zodiac signs with the element of fire have the following character traits:

  • Enterprising
  • Controlling
  • Independent
  • Honesty
  • Competitive
  • self-esteem
  • Challenges


Element earth

Earth element character : Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Zodiac signs with the element of earth have the following character traits:

  • Perseverance
  • Calm
  • Tantrums
  • Resilient
  • Sober
  • Realistic
  • Materialistic


Element air

Air element character : Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

Zodiac signs with the element of air have the following character traits:

  • Curious
  • Communicative
  • Ideas / creative
  • Superficial
  • Interested in many topics
  • Thinker
  • liberty


Element water

Water element character : Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio

Zodiac signs with the element of water have the following character traits:

  • Fantasy
  • Friendly
  • Emotional
  • unpredictable
  • Emphatic
  • be able to listen well
  • Social



These zodiac signs belong to each month

January zodiac sign: Capricorn and Aquarius
February zodiac sign: Aquarius and Pisces
March zodiac sign : Pisces and Aries
April zodiac Sign: Aries and Taurus
May zodiac sign : Taurus and Gemini
June zodiac Sign: Gemini and Cancer
July zodiac sign : Cancer and Leo
August zodiac sign: Leo and Virgo
September zodiac sign: Virgo and Libra
October zodiac sign: Libra and Scorpio
November zodiac sign: Scorpio and Sagittarius
December zodiac sign: Sagittarius and Capricorn

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