5 signs that your ex is still thinking about you

Whether or not you're still in contact with your ex-partner, it can sometimes be hard to tell if they still have feelings for you. Even if you've stopped communicating, your ex may not have fully moved on. In this blog, we’ll share 5 signs that your ex is still thinking about you and might want you back!
Uncertainty in contact with your ex
It can feel confusing when you’re unsure about what your ex truly wants from you. Mixed signals from them can make it difficult for you to move forward with your life. Keep reading to find out if your ex still has feelings for you.
1. You see your ex regularly
If you continue to meet up with your ex or go out for dinner, this is often a sign that their feelings haven’t faded. While it’s possible to remain friends after a breakup, frequent meetups often suggest that a deeper connection still exists.
2. Your ex tells you everything
If your ex-partner keeps you updated on all aspects of their life, it’s a clear sign they still want your attention, support, and understanding. This continued communication suggests they still feel a bond with you.
3. Your ex talks about personal growth
When your ex mentions gaining insights into their own behavior, it’s often an attempt to show you they’ve changed. This is a sign they’re trying to prove they’ve learned from past mistakes and are not over you yet.
4. Subtle physical contact
If your ex continues to touch you in small ways—like giving you a pat on the back or a hug—it’s a sign they still feel physically attracted to you. These little gestures indicate they haven’t let go of their romantic feelings.
5. Talking about the past
When your ex brings up memories of your time together, it’s a sign they’re reminiscing and missing what you shared. Whether they’re reflecting on happy or sad moments, it’s a clear indication that they may want a fresh start with you.
What to do if your ex wants you back?
If you recognize all 5 signs, there’s a strong possibility that your ex hasn’t moved on and wants to reconcile. Sometimes, it can be difficult for them to admit this openly. So, how should you handle it? First, clarify your own feelings. If you’re interested in getting back together, it’s an exciting opportunity to explore your relationship again. If you’re not interested, it’s time to set firm boundaries and create more distance to avoid giving false hope.
Are you wondering if your ex truly wants you back? Start a personal reading with one of our experienced love coaches to gain clarity!
Date: 29-05-'24
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