Commitment issues meaning

Commitment issues often has a cause. For example, by losing people, and wanting to keep control of your own feelings. You literally don't want to commit to a person or a situation, because you experience fear if the person or situation will go away. It may also be that there are many negative feelings about dying.
Commitment issues symptoms
People who suffer from commitment issues can make excuses not to give themselves completely. You can literally experience a conflict within yourself. You want to connect, but you can't because fear takes a leading role in your feeling. Fear of commitment symptoms can vary, but the most common fear of commitment symptoms are:
- Running away from emotional matters
- Attraction and repulsion in love
- Making excuses not to go deeper emotionally
- Experiencing great fear of deeper feelings for someone
- Easy connection with no feeling
Long-term relationships
If you want to enter into a long-term relationship with someone who suffers from commitment issues, this can be very difficult. In fact, this feels almost impossible. Commitment issues always have a cause. Often there has been an intense event in someone's life that has caused those intense emotions to surface. The protection arises during that intense period by waving feelings away and seeing it as negative. This has to do with wanting to maintain control over your own life and feelings. Being in a long-term relationship with someone who suffers from commitment issues is impossible to stabilize if not worked on. The acknowledgment of certain emotions that have arisen earlier is then extremely important. Digging deeper into your own emotions to come to an enlightenment.
Communication and commitment issues
When someone with fear of commitment has feelings for someone, the person with fear of commitment can come across as distant and cool. This is for self-defense. However, it can give unclear signals that make you insecure. The communication in combination with commitment issues can then become superficial, and very dismissive. Someone with commitment issues can want to get ahead of you (fear of rejection) by withdrawing, speaking negatively about themselves or using very hard energy to keep you at a distance. When you want to break this circle, calm and rest is extremely important. Try to point out to the other person that you know they don't want to get hurt and that you understand this. Ultimately, empathy can bring down a wall.
Break through commitment issues
When you want to get started with breaking through commitment issues, acceptance and wanting to dig deeper into your own emotions is a must. The acceptance lies in the developed pattern of pushing away emotions. Digging deeper is essential because there has been a situation that has made this a safe way to protect yourself. This can be different for everyone. Writing down your feelings that you would rather not tell someone else in a familiar place or environment can positively influence further positive steps in breaking through commitment issues in your life. Breaking through commitment issues has to do with being able and daring to accept the consequences. Not seeing it as a punishment or a mistake when you make yourself vulnerable.
- Write down your deeper feelings
- Think about where it originated (situation)
- Meditate and try to come to your own essence
- Let your emotions flow, including the sadness
- Write down the downsides of shutting yourself off from connection
- At a trigger, ask yourself why it triggers you and closes you emotionally
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Date: 04-03-'24
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