About Kimberley
Gypsy Soul, Soul Therapist, Intuitive Healer! I believe we co create a great deal of our reality with our thoughts & choices!Something of a Gypsy soul, I have lived and worked around the world & I know that people everywhere mostly want the same things! Love, understanding & to fulfil their purpose!
I am Clairvoyant, Clairsentient & ClairAudient & have had contact with Spirit since I was 6! An eternal student of Astrology , I remain passionate about all things Esoteric and am inducted in both Shamanic & Angel Healing as well as Kundalini Reiki.
I am a certified therapist in multiple modalities of psychology and do have a corporate background in Human Resources ( Over 2 decades in the Media).
So when you get a reading with me you get a holistic mix of all of the above .. I use Astrology, tarot , Oracles as well as Automatic writing to channel messages from Spirit.
I don`t believe everything is set in stone, to that degree I believe we co create a large part of our future/ reality with our thoughts & choices.. so I do my best to offer Honesty, Empathy, Spirit Wisdom & Guidance always rooted in Abundance and your highest good.
I need dates of birth and a pic ideally ( though not essential) to be able to connect to your energy.