» Zodiac signs » Leo
Zodiac sign Leo

Characteristics of a Leo
Leo is a temperamental and loyal zodiac sign. Leos can be very stubborn. Leo protects his loved ones. You'd better not damage a Leo's confidence. It may take a long time for the Leo to let you in again.
Temperament of the zodiac sign Leo
Loyalty is very important to a Leo. They are very creative, and set high standards for themselves. Leeuw also expects just as much commitment from partners. Leo does not like a lazy partner. Leo can then react frustrated and also a little condescending. Leo stands up for himself.
Horoscopes Leo
On Chatspiritual you can read free horoscopes of the zodiac sign Leo. In your horoscope you can read things about love, work, family and friends, or personal developments. In addition to the astrological prediction that is translated into messages by astrologers, advice is also given on how best to deal with certain situations. Leo horoscope may have a warning. Don't worry, and take advantage of it. A horoscope is there to make you alert and aware of what is written in the stars that day, week or month. Do you have questions about the horoscopes Leo? Our honest astrologers, psychics and mediums are ready for you.
Positive character traits of the zodiac sign Leo
Leos are very strong leaders. They know what needs to be done. Leo isn't shy about handing out the duties. Leo always strives for the positive end result. Leos are protective and will always be honest. Even if this can be hurtful, you can expect honesty from a Leo. Leo stands for justice and will strive for this in his life.
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Chatspiritual understands that you can get stuck on certain issues. Do you want to know more about love, work or future? The position of the stars can tell you a lot. Try a free chat with a medium or psychic for yourself, and find out what the future holds.
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Negative traits of the zodiac sign Leo
Leos can be very upset if they don't like something. When leo is angry, everything comes to the table. Since the emotion can suddenly run high with a Leo. Could that scare people around the Leo. Leos are temperamental and have high demands and they not only set high demands on themselves but also on friends and family.
Zodiac Sign Leo and Love
Leo likes compliments in love. Leo likes to conquer his beloved with romance. Leos love a challenge, especially when they have to fight for something. Leo is very loyal in love and will also be faithful to his partner, but if you are in a relationship with Leo you will also have to meet his high standards. Leo likes a bit of adventure and excitement and likes going on an adventurous date.
The zodiac sign Leo in relationship
Leo can be very jealous, and may see the partner as his property. Leos do not like to share and show this clearly in their behavior. Leo likes to take on the protective role, and they are not easily led by their partner. When Leos become suspicious, they can hold on to suspicion and have a hard time letting go.
Breaking Up With A Leo Man
The Leo man is not easy to get to know, but in a break-up with a partner, the Leo Man has a hard time letting go. He cannot easily get over that he has been put aside and will show it. He certainly won't want to break up as friends the first time. Breaking up with a Leo Man can cause some tension.
Breaking Up With A Leo Woman
A Leo woman will try to control her emotions. The rest around her may not notice, but inside it's torment. If she doesn't want to lose her partner, she shows her emotional side and tries to save what can be saved. When the relationship is really over, she will continue with her head held high.
The Leo Woman and Dating
Leos are initiators, and like to take the lead when dating. Leo Women can be very playful and appreciate the effort you put into a date for them. They like to talk about deep topics with their date, and like to be surprised. A Leo Woman in Love is spontaneous, fiery and playful and can't wait to share the passion together and show it to the world.
The Leo Man and Dating
A Leo Man likes to take charge of Dating. He won't give in right away and will flirt a lot with his date. Leo Man when dating will show his seducing tricks, and has a great charm about him. You can expect a real gentlemen from a Leo man during the date. And if his date shows that he/she is going for it, the Leo man will give in and go for it.
More questions about your zodiac sign?
Chatspiritual understands that you can get stuck on certain issues. Do you want to know more about love, work or future? The position of the stars can tell you a lot. Try a free chat with a medium or psychic for yourself, and find out what the future holds.
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